Sunday, October 4, 2009

A Pause For The Cause

For a while there you might have thought that I was getting paid directly by BlackBerry and T*Mobile, that *would* be a sweet deal indeed; but unfortunately, not the case here. Maybe some of their contextually generated Ads served by Google Ad Sense have started popping up on the Ad space in this Blog, but I can't tell because I've been stuck in an Information limbo of sorts since arriving in China; not able to view my Blog in the customary fashion, nor am I able to administer my Blog in the prescribed manner vis a vis the "Blogger" interface; more on that later though.

I have in fact ceased posting my own free T*Mobile and BlackBerry Ads directly within my dispatches; they were, after all just the default signature placed by the carrier T*Mobile; I finally got around to deleting it within "My T*Mobile" the handy administrative tool provided as part of the Account. OK, that's it, the last direct endorsement of either of the German-British alliance draining my wallet thru data-roaming charges; the only way I can currently post while situated in the People's Republic of Censorship (again, I'll fully detail that whole conundrum in a later report).

For now however, you can do your part to save me the cruel fate of having to dig my way back to the land of the free to blog, just visit some of the advertisements you see on this and other pages of this publication; it's a nickel and dime proposition, but they do add up!